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e Sweeps Colocalize with DMI Fungicide Resistance Candidates in the C. beticola PopulationTwo on the selective sweep regions on chromosome 9 identified by RAiSD contained variants identified inside the GWAS evaluation that correlate with DMI fungicide resistance (supplementary table S14, Supplementary Material online). The two RAiSD regions spanned the positions 1402834412304 and 1495335503162 bp of chromosome 9 (supplementary table S10, Supplementary Material on the internet). The initial region encompassed intergenic markers 9_1404771 and 9_1405148, and 9_1403629 inside the coding region of CB0940_11365, which encoded an aldehyde reductase (supplementary table S12, Supplementary Material on line). The latter area contained markers 9_1496540 and 9_1497163 inside the coding area of CB0940_11398, which encoded a hypothetical protein. To evaluate the significance of overlap involving GWAS candidates and selective sweeps, we performed a randomization test. When randomizing each sets of options (GWAS candidates and selective sweeps), we report a significant deficit of overlap that can be explained by the truth that the GWAS candidates are nonrandomly distributed along the genome. For the reason that we observed quite a few GWAS candidates overlapping with the two sweeps on chromosome 9, we additional asked how most likely it is to observe such a number of SNPs in these regions by likelihood by randomizing the GWAS candidates around the corresponding chromosome. We found the observed numbers to be higher than anticipated by likelihood (P worth 0.0095 for the very first sweep area, P value 0.0508 for the second sweep area, and P worth 0.0011 when the two sweeps are thought of with each other, computed with 100,000 randomizations). Coordinates with the predicted genomic characteristics inside the selective sweep regions on chromosome 9 are summarized in supplementary table S13, Supplementary Material on the web.Genome Biol. Evol. 13(9): doi:ten.1093/gbe/evab209 IL-23 Inhibitor Storage & Stability Advance Access publication 9 SeptemberSpanner et al.GBEFIG. four.–Genomic scans for selective sweeps using RAiSD and FP Antagonist Synonyms OmegaPlus (A) Selective sweep map obtained by RAiSD; the l-statistic values were calculated and plotted along the genome. Considerable outlier loci are shown in red. (B) Selective sweep map obtained by OmegaPlus; x-statistic values had been plotted across the genome. Important outlier loci are shown in red. The significance thresholds with the l and x statistics had been determined with demographic simulations (see Components and Methods). Blue lines indicate selective sweeps longer than 150 bp detected with each procedures.Assessing Fitness Penalties for DMI Fungicide Resistance LociTo investigate regardless of whether there was a fitness penalty related with DMI fungicide resistance, we measured the radial development rates of all 190 C. beticola strains as a proxy for fitness (supplementary fig. S2B and table S2, Supplementary Material on the internet). We performed association analyses for radial growthrate and obtained allelic impact estimates for every marker. There was an incredibly weak good correlation amongst allelic effects of DMI fungicide resistance (tetraconazole EC50 values) and radial development price (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.041, P two.2e-16) (fig. 5A). Essentially the most important markers linked with tetraconazole resistance also appeared to have a negligible impact on growth rate (supplementary table S14 and fig. 5A, Supplementary Material on-line). We alsoGenome Biol. Evol. 13(9): doi:10.1093/gbe/evab209 Advance Access publication 9 SeptemberGenome-Wide Association and Select

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