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Me-frame of 120 min (Figure 3B). The ideal outcome was again that previously identified in the course of the screening stage, that is definitely, 30 min. Then, the heating temperature was varied within the range 25 C00 C (Figure 3C). Within this case, an 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor Description nearly constant worth of A366 was observed from 50 C to 80 C, then an increase was recorded corresponding to a browning with the extracting remedy and hard operating conditions (not possible separation with the onion matrix soon after centrifugation). Therefore, the temperature was set as optimal at 50 C since it may be the lowest temperature that gave the optimal benefits with out browning of the solutions. The only parameter that was changed from the beginning situations was the sonication time because it showed an increase of A366 with out any experimental drawback (Figure 3D): a rise from 45 min to 1 h showed a rise from the extracted raw material. Consequently, the optimal extraction situations were: 50 mg of onion skin in 1.5 g of 30 w/w of addedMaterials 2021, 14,9 ofMaterials 2021, 14, x FOR PEER Assessment water9 of 18 in DESs, heating and stirring at 50 C for 30 min, followed by sonication of 1 h and after that centrifugation of your sample for 30 min at 7000 rpm.1 0.9 0.8 0.A366 , a.u.AB0.9 0.0.6 0.5 0.4 0.three 0.two 0.1 0 0 ten 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Added water, w/wA366 , a.u. 0 20 40 60 80 one hundred 120Heating instances, min1.C1.ten.95 0.DA366 , a.u.A366 , a.u.0.85 0.8 0.75 0.0.9 0.8 0.7 0.six 20 40 60 80 1000.65 0.6 0 20 40 60 80 one hundred 120Heating Temperature,Sonication occasions, minFigure 2. Optimization of your extraction process, GA/TMG DES 30 w/w added water, 50 mg Figure 2. Optimization of your extraction process, GA/TMG DES 30 w/wadded water, 50 mg of onion skin in 1.5 g of DES. (A): optimization from the water quantity on GA/TMG DES, heating and of onion skin in 1.5 g of DES. (A): optimization on the water quantity on GA/TMG DES, heating and stirring (50 , 300 rpm) for 30 min then 45 min of sonication in bath followed by centrifugation of stirring (50 C, 300 rpm) for 30 min then 45 min of sonication in bath followed by centrifugation of the extracts for 30 min at 7000 rpm. (B): optimization of heating times, heating and stirring (50 , the extracts for 30 min at 7000 rpm. (B): optimization of heating occasions, heating and stirring (50 C, 300 rpm) then 45 min of sonication in bath followed by centrifugation of the extracts for 30 min at 300 rpm) then 45 min of sonication in bath followedheating and stirring (300 rpm) for 30 minmin 7000 rpm. (C): optimization of heating temperature, by centrifugation in the extracts for 30 then at 7000 rpm. (C): optimization of heating centrifugationheating and stirring (300 rpm) for 30 min 45 min of sonication in bath followed by temperature, of the extracts for 30 min at 7000 rpm. (D): then 45 min ofof sonication occasions,followedandcentrifugation of your extracts30 min min at 7000 rpm. optimization sonication in bath heating by stirring (50 , 300 rpm) for for 30 then sonication in bath followed by centrifugation in the extracts for 30 min at C, 300 rpm) the measures are averages (D): optimization of sonication instances, heating and stirring (50 7000 rpm. Allfor 30 min then sonication of triplicates and the error bars are of your extracts for 30 the at 7000 rpm. All the measures are in bath followed by centrifugation standard deviations ofmin set. averages of triplicates as well as the error bars are standard deviations in the set.The very first parameter deemed was the level of water added for the DESs (Figure 3A.

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