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Product Name: FSH (intact) antibody [090-10264]
Applications: ELISA, sELISA
Predicted Target Size:
Positive Controls:
Form Supplied: Liquid
Concentration: 5.61 mg/ml (Please refer to the vial label for the specific concentration)
Purification: Protein A purified
Full Name: follicle stimulating hormone, beta polypeptide
Cellular Localization:
CAS NO: 117570-53-3
Host: Mouse
Clonality: Monoclonal
Isotype: IgG2a
Immunogen: High purity intact FSH from human pituitary gland.
Antigen Species: Human
Species Reactivity: Human
Conjugation: Unconjugated
Storage Buffer: 10 mM Phosphate pH 7.4, 150 mM sodium chloride, 0.1% sodium azide
Storage Instruction: Keep as concentrated solution. For short-term storage, store at 4° C (up to 10 days). For long-term storage, aliquot and store at -20ºC or below. Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles.
Notes: For In vitro laboratory use only. Not for any clinical, therapeutic, or diagnostic use in humans or animals. Not for animal or human consumption.
Specificity: Reacts with intact molecule. Does not cross react with other common alpha hormones.
PubMed ID:

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